Preventing and Treating Exertional Heat Stroke
With the extreme heat we’ve had nationwide this summer, the start of training camps and team practices have an added precaution to consider besides injury prevention—heat stroke. This is a serious condition and even a life threatening condition that everyone—athletes, parents, coaches, athletic trainers and team physicians—need to closely monitor and treat immediately.
National Football League Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Allen Sills collaborated with Dr. Douglas J. Casa, PhD, CEO, of the Korey Stringer Institute (KSI) and Professor of Kinesiology at the University of Connecticut to create a review of best practices to protect players from heat-related illness I want to share it with you. Please click the link below for the information and videos.
Additionally, I have two publications on the topic my nonprofit foundation, the Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Teaching and Research Foundation (OTRF), created that you can download and print from these links. The OTRF Active Bones newsletter is devoted entirely to preventing, monitoring and how to calculate the amount of liquids you need before practice and during games to prevent dehydration and heat stroke. The other is a patient handout on heat and activity. Please feel free to share any of this information.