OTRF glenoid vault research published, presented for American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

The Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Teaching & Research Foundation (OTRF) was honored to have Dr. Philip Ghobrial present a research poster session at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) annual meeting in July. The presentation, “Exploring Alternative Sites for Glenoid Component Fixation Through Three-Dimensional Digitization of the Glenoid Vault: An Anatomic Analysis,” explained the novel research Dr. Ghobrial conducted while participating in the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine honors research program mentored by Dr. Steven Chudik, founder and president of OTRF and orthopaedic shoulder expert with the Shoulder, Knee and Sports Medicine Injury Clinic, Westmont, Illinois.

The research also was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (JAAOS).

3D glenoid image created to determine best placement for a shoulder arthroplasty prosthesis

The yellow cylinders in this digitized 3D glenoid image represent alternate locations for the best fit in total shoulder arthroplasty for prosthesis fixation.

According to Dr. Chudik, the research digitally analyzed alternate positions in the glenoid (shoulder socket) to determine if there is a better location for an implant that would provide a superior foundation and eliminate component loosening common in shoulder replacement. Dr. Ghobrial digitized glenoids of 70 cadaveric scapulae and identified three ideal positions, depths and fit. This was the first such study of its kind making it an excellent topic for publication and as a presentation at an annual meeting of orthopaedic surgeons.

“Our method of glenoid vault analysis and findings may be used to guide further research regarding pathologic glenoid anatomy and provide a foundation for alternative approaches to glenoid prosthesis fixation in total shoulder arthroplasty and related procedures,” Dr. Chudik explained.

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