Eliminate your boredom with a new daily exercise, conditioning program you can do at home in 30 minutes
With the “stay at home order” extended for another month, Dr. Steven Chudik and the Health Performance Team with his Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Teaching and Research Foundation (OTRF), have a new 30-minute daily exercise and conditioning program that not only can enhance a current routine, but also give those looking for something to do at home a quick yet challenging routine. The program was designed specifically for the active adult who aspires to participate in a sport or daily exercises, but has limited time. It provides a full body workout with high intensity and interval training to improve your aerobic and anaerobic capacities better than endurance running can at a steady pace. It also is easier on the major joints. Another benefit of this program is that it uses minimal equipment so it can be done at home, in a hotel room, or an exercise facility—basically anywhere you are or anywhere you eventually get to go.
Click to download a PDF you can print out and begin using today. However, not all exercises are suitable for everyone. Before starting this program, or any exercise regimen, Dr. Chudik recommends you consult your physician. Also, always warm up for several minutes before beginning a workout and never exercise beyond the level at which you feel comfortable. If you feel you are exercising beyond your current fitness abilities, or feel discomfort at any time, discontinue the exercise immediately and reconsider your participation in this program.
Dr. Steven Chudik is a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist with the Shoulder, Knee and Sports Medicine Injury Clinic in Westmont and Western Springs, Illinois, who has been helping his patients for the past 18 years regain mobility and ability to enjoy their activities and interests. To schedule a virtual appointment with Dr. Chudik, email contactus@chudikmd.com or call 630-324-0402. In-person appointments also are available following strict “COVID-19 safe” precautions.