Are Smoothies Really Healthy?
Now that summer sunshine and heat are finally here, staying hydrated is important. But before you cool off with your favorite smoothie, check the ingredients first. Better yet, check out this article from Dr. Steven Chudik’s e-newsletter, Active Bones, to help make sure you maximize your smoothie’s nutritional benefit to stay fit and cool.
To subscribe to Active Bones, send your email address and name to For copies of past newsletters, visit on the Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Teaching & Research Foundation (OTRF) website.
OTRF is the nonprofit foundation 501 (C)(3) established in 2007 by Dr. Steven Chudik with the Steven Chudik Shoulder & Knee Injury Clinic, Westmont, and Western Springs, Ill., to fund research and education for the purpose of keeping people active and healthy. In an effort to prevent injury and remain active—especially for young athletes—Dr. Chudik saw a growing demand from patients, clinicians and other healthcare professionals for up-to-date medical information and unbiased research on injury prevention, arthritis and wear and tear on the musculoskeletal systems—joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, etc.